Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60

H・f ⌀219


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Подвесной светильник


H264 x ⌀ 219 mm; 1,30 kg


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Taliesin® 11 pendant
Mayuhana® short floor
Tear drop mini
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Mayuhana® mie pendant
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This lamp was originally designed for Danish lighting company Hans Folsgaard in the 1960s by the name of Simfoni, and had been produced for 10 years until it stopped manufacturing. After 50 years, YAMAGIWA reproduced it as the H·F. Multi- layer steel shades that appear in the two-tone colors of gray and white with a harlequin-like pattern produce a beautiful symphony of light and shade. It functions as a décor object attributed to its iconic form, and each facet shows profound enchanting gradation like a curtain of light. Voltage: 220-240V Light source type: E27 LED White bulb 8Wx1 Wattage: 8W Material: steel

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