Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60



Подвесной светильник

cod. ambarabà 40/so: l. 40 cm x H 200 cm max; cod. cicì 38/so: l. 38 cm x H 200 cm max; cod. cocò 45/so: l. 45 cm x H 200 cm max; cod. ambarabà - cicì - cocò 60 s2: l. 60 cm x H 200 cm max; cod. ambarabà - cicì - cocò 60 s3: l. 60 cm x H 200 cm max


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Stelo 137


Ambarabà - cicì - cocò is a suspension luminaire adjustable in lenght on a special elecrtic cable with iron structure or brass. Finishes painted, galvanized or natural polished. Blow glass diffuser in natural clear or fumè. Also with partial decor. Technical features: cod. ambarabà 40/so - cicì 38/so - cocò 45/so: e27 max 60w - 230v cod. ambarabà - cicì - cocò 60 s2: 2 e27 max 60w - 230v cod. ambarabà - cicì - cocò 60 s3: 3 e27 max 60w - 230v Ambarabà cicì cocò: the nursery rhyme in art, in the show ... in the light. Cited in artistic expressions and songs (not only for children) in theater and literature, from the song of the Zecchino d'Oro of '65, to that of Nilla Pizzi of 2003, to the punk-rock version of Punkreas, of Vasco Rossi, of Elio e le Storie Tese to the pen of Umberto Eco. Table, wall or suspension luminaires with special electric cable adjustable in height and steel or brass structure. Finishes painted, galvanized or polished brass. Natural blown glass diffuser, smoked or partially decorated.

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