As the name suggests, OpenParti is open for different types of use and is most similar in terms of structure to the classic System 180 with steel frame and shelves. The unit works well as a compact bookshelf or magazine rack. It offers additional space for smaller work materials and a storage area that can be closed off with doors.
Dynamic space system, 2 double doors, 2 back panels, 8 shelves (open top), castors Ø 75 mm.
With the highly flexible PartiLine space system, System 180 offers a solution to the diverse demands of collaborative work and a logical evolution of the System 180 concept. The system, which consists of five independent products – CreativeParti, OpenParti, GardenParti, QuietParti and RemoteParti – is designed for short- and medium-term use of small spaces, for example workshops and events, as well as for the creation of fast-changing environments. Due to its adaptability, the PartiLine is ideal for supporting modern working methods such as Agile Work, New Work or Design Thinking.