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IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

La fleur
Veli foliage
Clizia medium
Veli couture
Clizia small
Veli gold
Veli large couture


Quantica is a pendant lamp in wich light interacts with shape in a luxurious, dense sculpture perfect for both private and commercial spaces. The golden textile effect has been applied to the almost weightless, unbreakable Opalflex technopolymer, cold-cut and then handcrafted. We exist in an interconnected system of frequencies that bind one being to another in correlation that in the end, creates a tightly-woven, singular, energetic tapestry. The phenomenon of energetic interaction is scientifically named “quantum entanglement”, better known as systems that cannot be separated. Quantica graphically represents the cosmic entwinement of elements, where intangible Light changes one’s perception of space in a luxurious dialogue with dense sculptural elements. The golden textile effect has been applied to the almost weightless, unbreakable Opalflex technopolymer, cold-cut and handcrafted by Slamp’s ladies who tailor light.

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