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Wave curtain


Silvio de ponte

Самонесущий звукоизолирующий подвесной потолок


30 x 32,3 x 0,45 cm; 11,8 x 12,7 x 0,18 in


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

360° partition
T-light baffle
Ecodesk baffle xl
Ecodesk flag
Ecodesk baffle
Ecowall cloud
Ecostrong baffle


SLALOM ACOUSTIC’ WAVE is a product that combines acoustic performance with the sensitivity of contemporary furnishings. Modular system consisting of hexagonal shapes made from PETfelt – recycled plastic felt – WAVE allows you to create new three-dimensional surfaces that are always different depending on your preference. FELT is a skin, an attractive finish to embrace your walls, your furniture or ceilings. Flexible, customizable and easy to apply.

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