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Перегородка для столов


L 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 | 180 x H 40 | 60 cm L 31.5 | 39.37 | 47.25 | 55.12 | 70.86 x H 15.75 | 23.62 in THICKNESS: 40/10 (4mm) 60/10 (6mm)


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

360° partition
T-light baffle
Ecodesk baffle xl
Wave curtain
Ecodesk flag
Ecodesk baffle
Ecowall cloud
Ecostrong baffle


PLEXDESK are extruded Acrylic sheets. APPLICATIONS: • Desk with brackets • Desk with SLALOM brackets: ED-SM.40/2, ED-SS.40/2, ED-SD.40/2 ED-SM.60/2, ED-SS.60/2, ED-SD.60/2 As a matter of fact, we spend 90% of our lives in indoor spaces and up to one-third at work. The main source of indoor pollution is due to almost invisible biological agents, such as bacteria, mildew and mushrooms that propagate through the air. This is the cause of slight or imperceptible nuisances that have consequences on mood, productivity and perception of space, but that can also led to serious disorders such as allergies and asthma. Coronavirus emergency brought the focus back to cleaning and sanitization issues. For this reason, Slalom has decided to launch a new collection with antimicrobial properties. This special treatment involves the use of silver ions, which are a natural antimicrobial. Coming into contact with mushrooms, mildews and bacteria, these ions have the ability to alter their metabolism and therefore inhibit the growth of the bacteria. By treating the fabrics with silver microparticles, the company provides products with hygiene benefits and antimicrobial protection. Plexdesk collection gets antibacterial, anti-odor and antistatic properties, that allow panels to be used in a wide range of commercial end-use areas, including office spaces, schools and restaurants. Thanks to this treatment, panels are safe and bacterial growth does not occur. In this way products around you remain sanitized over time. Today it is even clearer that our surroundings must undergo good sanification practices. Starting from a healthy product, able to prevent the growth of a wide range of bacteria, it is mandatory to adopt good hygiene rules against viral agents. All panels with antibacterial treatment are cleanable with a chlorine or alcohol-based diluted liquid, as recommended by the WHO against the virus. This simple superficial procedure allows the panel to remain safe, without removing the antimicrobial treatment from it. In addition, the same basic principles for care and maintenance are still valid: use regularly a vacuum-cleaner with smooth spout or brushes with soft bristles or upholster professional cleaners regularly to remove dust and dirt.

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