Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60



Elena trevisan


Concave small: 104,4 x 66,7 cm; H 80 cm; Concave large: 152,4 x 71,5 cm; H 80 cm; ; Convex small: 118,7 x 67,7 cm; H 80 cm; Convex large: 142,7 x 72,7 cm; H 80 cm; ; Linear small: 144 x 61 cm; H 80 cm; Linear large: 216 x 61 cm; H 80 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Mr brown
Lovers | столик
Side | столик
Trimundo | столик
Tondo | столик
Gobeyond | столик
Major | стул для совещаний


Laguna is a modular bench characterized by its thin lines and different, sinuous shapes. Simplicity, dynamism and versatility emerge as traits of a modular system that can be endlessly coordinated, combined and reconfigured to produce creative and light compositions as if they were sculptures. With its ability to easily communicate with corners and pillars, Laguna is a perfect minimal ecosystem for waiting areas and contract areas of the contemporary world. It is available in the 2 or 3 seater version, linear or curved. The curved model is available in two sizes and convexities. It is possible to accessorize with additional central or side tables.

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