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Brick of light


Paolo rizzatto

Напольный светильник



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Brick of Light имитирует структуру кирпича не только за счет формы и размера, но и благодаря схожим методам обработки, сборки и монтажа. Сдержанная базовая форма позволяет органично вписывать этот светильник в структуру кирпичной кладки. Светильник гармонично смотрится внутри помещений и снаружи вровень с поверхностью стены, выступающим или утопленным вглубь на плоской или криволинейной кладке на краю или в центре с интервалом или в непрерывной линии. Его привычная геометрия гарантирует стопроцентное попадание в стилистический замысел, а повышенная прочность стекла позволяет воспринимать светильник как часть кирпичной кладки, обеспечивая антивандальную защиту. Since ancient times the clay brick has accompanied the history of architecture until almost identifying itself with it. Even today it is one of the most used material for its high and multiple qualities in terms of static, insulation, lifespan, shape, texture, chromatic wealth. Especially nowadays where biocompatibility and environmental sustainability along with the requirements for environmental soundproofing have become essential, the brick stands out as one of the materials closest to earth. In more recent times glass has given a concrete contribution to the solution of the relation between void and fullness, between light and shadow. With the development of the technology that exploited the amazing qualities, glass has become more and more a leading actor on the architectural scene: an inclusive structural material, thanks to processing, coating and connections. The Brick of Light project originates from the composition of these two elements, the material of glass and the shape of the brick: the research, and in a certain way the provocation of SIMES expresses its own interpretation in designing an element that has accompanied humanity in its constructive progress over the last 5000 years. Their main features are being kept unchanged till now. Brick of Light makes light becoming a structural element and through the shape of the brick it acquires its own materiality to define and to increase the value of the volumes of the architecture. Brick of Light camouflages itself with the brick texture not only by taking on the form and the dimensions of the brick, but also by adopting the same modes of handling, assembly and installation thanks to its characteristics of resistance and manageability. The restrained and basic archetype form allows a perfect integration in walls. It is endlessly declinable and talks together with the rhythm of the surfaces and appropriate lighting needs designed for integration with exposed brick surfaces such as: exterior and interior flush with walls, recessed or protruding on a flat masonry or curvilinear wall concave or convex at the center or at an edge isolated or arranged at intervals or in a continuous line free or according to a plan. Its compact geometry and its adaptability to enter into and identifying itself with the masonry itself, along with the solid glass, make it performant in terms of maintenance, perishability over time and resistance against vandalism.

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