Michelangelo rotating platform - A) Lower surface supported by central thrust and perimeter bearings. Rack rotation. kg 18. B) Base housing internally soundproof and completed with motor. kg 28. Complete platform A+B = kg 46. MOTOR OPTIONS: 72 seconds-full round 3,5 RPM motor
40 seconds-full round 8,5 RPM motor
27 seconds-full round 12 RPM motor. OPTIONALS: • External soundproofing, only using additional surfaces with a diameter higher than thebase.(C) Nr. 6 supporting feet M8 for the platform levelling, complete with brackets, to be placed inside the base or externally, with screws. • Additional round surfaces, made of 21 mm thick fl ameproof class 1 marine polywood, to be fixed to the base housing with bevelled M8 screws.