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Samuele mazza

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Samuele mazza outdoor

Samuele mazza outdoor
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

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О бренде

Samuele mazza outdoor
Samuele mazza outdoor
Страница бренда
Wezen | тележка
Yucca chair
Canopo | столик
Aralia | полудиван для сада
Wezen | полудиван для сада
Canopo | кушетка
Canopo | полудиван для сада
Canopo | садовый шезлонг


Vase made of tempered glass printed in onyx finich, having LED lights inside. Also available without lighting. This range of elements includes objects of a casual nature that can be used in any context whilst maintaining their decorative value. The range includes glass vases with integrated lighting fixtures and cone and rectangular-shaped maxi foot stools. This range is part furnishings and part accessories. The vases are available with many different prints and can also be customised. Integrated lighting makes it possible to create different moods based on the texture chosen for the glass. The foot stools are available in the full range of fabrics from the Samuele Mazza Outdoor Collection. “Sidereal like moonlight, fantastic like the installations of Peter Greenaway, monumental like Villa Borghese, comfortable like a suite, ironic like our style”. Precious outdoor furniture completely hand-made from the great stage presence, combining the stylistic research with practical and prolonged use in outdoor spaces for exclusive ambiances. Siderale is a refined outdoor collection that combines the comfort and sophistication of the world´s finest indoor furniture with the strength and weather-resistance that DFN can guarantee. In fact, all the collection’s items are made of iron or synthetic resin and are designed to withstand the rigors of any environmental condition. The Siderale collections are: Canopo T2, Canopo, Sole, Sirio, Wezen, Naos and Zibal. Every collection offers a vast selection of elements, from furnishings to accessories to lighting, to create a complete and coordinated outdoor environment in every detail. Whatever model you choose and wherever our outdoor furniture is installed, the Samuele Mazza furnishings offer a unique experience of relaxation and comfort.By virtue of the collection’s craftsmanship, both the size and features can be customized to meet every requirement.

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