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Dacor | стул


Daniel korb




IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

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Перегородка LUME фабрики ROSCONI
Перегородка PASSAGE фабрики ROSCONI
Перегородка L2 фабрики ROSCONI
Вешалка D-TEC SHERPA фабрики ROSCONI
Вешалка D-TEC ALBATROS 7 фабрики ROSCONI
Вешалка D-TEC MISTER T2 фабрики ROSCONI
Вешалка LUNA фабрики ROSCONI
Вешалка D-TEC LINA TT фабрики ROSCONI


The Dacor series updates both high-quality old building interiors and contemporary new buildings, or even those that deliberately combine both elements.‎ While retaining a familiar sense of tradition, the product family has a very modern look.‎ Daniel Korb’s ingenious idea thus compellingly shows how even the external form of a product can contribute to sustainable design.‎ A key innovation of the Dacor series is its hybrid form.‎ It is not just a chair but something between a chair and an armchair, between a bench and a sofa.‎This reflects the present merging of interior concepts to accommodate both lounge and work settings, for example, or waiting and conference areas.‎ This may be in the office, elsewhere in the building, or even in the private sphere.‎With its design, the product family, and options such as castors, Dacor is an asset in a wide variety of situations – at the dining table, in the meeting room, in waiting areas, in the patient’s room, or in the lobby, to name just a few examples.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о DACOR | Стул rosconi

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