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Oo 2


Julien groboz

Подвесной светильник


W. 94 x H. 65 x D. 94 x ∅. 94 cm (37"w x 25.6"h x 37"d x 37"∅)

Roche bobois

Roche bobois
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

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Curling ceramique


The concept of the adjustable O-O suspension is based on the interaction of the user with the object, in line with today's "tactile" design. The orientation of the light and the choice of height on the table are possible by using the metal circle, which can go up and down using the simple traction. Swiveling suspension with adjustable height. Structure in aluminium and integrated LED lights. Cable heights: 70cm / 120cm. LED lights.

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