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Drop Silent box


Grégoire borach

Офиса стенд


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Procédés chenel international
Страница бренда
Потолочные панели Wave от фабрики PROCÉDÉS CHENEL INTERNATIONAL


DROP is an hut space, designed by Grégoire Borach, made out of honeycomb cardboard and Drop Paper® Honeycomb. Lightweight, easily transported, good sound absorption, with variable and adaptable dimensions. A collection of clever solutions to partition space. Fire resistant, lightweight, easy to install and customizable, these partitions are made out of the various paper-like materials Procédés Chénel offers. They are ideal to partition space in public areas (fairs, museums, shops...) as well as more private interiors (offices, residential...) Features: Fire resistant Honeycomb in Drop Paper®, available in 15 standard colors + 3 fluorescent. Cardboard available in kraft havane or white. Fire resistant version on request.

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