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Toku | садовая скамейка


Vincent van duysen

Садовая скамейка

Paola lenti

Paola lenti
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

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Toku - Benches in wood with seating area in wood or fabric.‎ Toku series also includes shading structures available in two dimensions, a sun bed with adjustable backrest and trays.‎Structure: cedar heartwood.‎ Adjustable plastic feet.‎Seating panel: cedar wood slats or marine plywood covered with three-dimensional polyester fabric.‎ Seating panel covering: Wara fabric.‎Seat pads are necessary to complete the seating comfort of the bench with cedar wood slats seating panel.‎Seat pad: expanded polyurthane; fixed internal foam covering in water repellent polyester.‎ Seat pad upholstery: removable, in Luz, Rope T, Brio or Thea fabric.‎Notes: We advise to use a Winter Set protection cover.‎This product can be used also in interior environments.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о TOKU | Садовая скамейка Paola Lenti

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