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Cabanne modulo quadro


Bestetti associati studio

Садовая беседка

Paola lenti

Paola lenti
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Sciara | столик
Giro | столик
Frame | столик


Structure: steel available in two versions:- with plates for the installation on weight bearing surfaces;- with HEA base for the installation on not weight bearing ground.‎Both versions are available in two heights; the heights must be used when a finishing flooring is to be laid.‎ A finishing flooring is always needed if Modulo Quadro is used on not weight bearing ground.‎Roof: the roof is always necessary and is available three versions:- polyester net with false ceiling in Thuia fabric;- aluminium frame with Thuia fabric;- aluminium frame with sassafras wood;- aluminium honeycomb waterproof panels.‎Panels: Modulo Quadro can be completed with lateral panels, fixed or moving, in:- sassafras lattices;- Thuia fabric;- transparent extralight glassInstead of lateral panels, Shade fabric curtains, sand color, can be used.‎Note: the colour of the structure always matches the colours of the fabric.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о CABANNE MODULO QUADRO Paola Lenti

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