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Colombo - 761


Joe colombo

Настенный светильник


↑ 40 cm → 23 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Stone of glass - 202/203/204
Fiore - 433
Niwa - 1180
Alba 466
Sonora - 408/437
The globe - 827/828
Sonora - 490/or
Lyndon - 450


In 1970, the "Colombo", named after its designer, the great Joe Colombo, was the first domestic light with a halogen light bulb and its design came in response to the invention of the new light source. Wall lamp with chromium-plated stem, wall fixings lacquered and height adjustable reflector in lacquered aluminium. 1 x max 300W - R7s.15 ↑ 40 cm → 23 cm ↑ 15,8" → 9,1" Structure. metal Structure color: chromium plated Diffuser/Reflector. aluminium Diffuser/Reflector color. white, black Certifications: CE

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