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Odin brange sollie

Садовая скамейка


H. 48 x W. 36,8 x L. 113 cm | 18,6 kg; H. 48 x W. 36,8 x L. 165 cm | 22,6 kg

Nola industrier

Nola industrier
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Paxa light
Big & small basket


Gard high-backed bench is joined by a table and a backless bench made in the same distinctive style. Their frames recall the sleek wire furniture of the Mid-century period, contrasting lightweight metal rods with sturdy wooden surfaces crafted from Sioo-treated oak. Gard’s functional features have been enhanced by ergonomic characteristics that make the table and bench more accessible to anyone who may be less able. The long version of the table can be extended by 40 cm in length to provide extra accessibility to wheelchair users. The table and bench are slightly taller than industry standards. Their heights have been optimised to provide more stability for individuals needing support when sitting down and rising to their feet again. Together, the table and bench are a natural choice for food courts, cafeterias and residential care facilities, and ideal for reception areas, event spaces and rooftop terraces. Gard is robust enough for year-round outdoor use, yet stylish enough to complement indoor spaces too.

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