Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60

Tierras industrial brick


Patricia urquiola



120x120 cm; 60x60 cm; 20x30 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Kosei dark grey
Fringe bold red
Mater segno ocra
Fringe thin anthracite
Mater uni beige
Fringe bold white
Mater uni moka
Fringe thin rose


Tierras is a project which develops around the concept of sedimentation, and the long Mediterranean artisan memories.‎ Tierras’ revisited tradition is reinforced by the dual personality of the collection, which combines the newest technological innovation with the most traditional concept of handmade productions.‎Six different kind of lavas, of terracotta and of clays, chromatically matching with each other, combine and mix, enriching and softening the black base of recycled ceramics on which they deposit, making it timidly emerge on the surface.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о TIERRAS INDUSTRIAL BRICK Mutina

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