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Smart tubed wall


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IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Modular lighting instruments
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Sophistication goes vertical. Beautifully designed and customisable to any smaller venue, there is a Smart luminaire for anybody interested in adding an element of elegance to their space. With Smart Tubed Wall, illumination can now come from above and/or below, for truly beautiful and unique effects.Compatible with 82 mm round spots., Smart tubed wall units direct light up and down or simply down parallel to a wall, depending on the tube size: XL (190 mm), L (130 mm) or S (86 mm). The units come in black or white structures and can be fitted with Smart cake, Smart kup and Smart lotis spots in white, black or gold. Both the adjustable and the fixed version (LED and GU10 for tube/box) can be combined in the Smart tubed wall. Gear can be included or excluded.

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