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Jordi lópez aguiló

Настенный светильник


H. 27 cm, W. 13 cm, D. 8,5 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Millelumen architecture
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles
Millelumen circles


Origami folding art inspired Designer Jordi Aguilo Lopez on a trip to Japan to develop the ASHIYA model. The ASHIYA luminaire seems to fl oat on the wall like a carefully folded thin sheet while underlining and flattering it. The noble surfaces of the solid curved aluminium plate complete the clear design. The carefully hand-brushed surfaces in brass, bronze, emerald black and titanium black underline the high-quality appearance with a charming metallic shine. The elegant design of the ASHIYA wall luminaire cuts a fine figure in every wall whether it comes in classic white or in contemporary coatings of brass, bronze, emerald black and titanium black. Material: Aluminium hand-brushed 1x LED ca. 9 W (= 9 kWh/1000 h) | ca. 820 Lm | ca. 2700 K | > 80 CRI/Ra | > 50.000 Std./hrs. | EEC: A+ | 220-250 V Color shade: AS01-LW08W : white matt AS02-LW08M : brass matt handbrushed AS02-LW08C : copper matt handbrushed AS02-LW08B : bronze matt handbrushed AS02-LW08S : emerald black handbrushed AS02-LW08T : titan black handbrushed

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