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Joan gaspar

Напольный светильник


Ø 34 cm x H. 137,9 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

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Vetra is a floor blown glass lamp. Vetra P Base: Iron Stem: Iron Shade: Blown glass Dissipater: Aluminium Dimmable: Yes Integrated dimmer: No 3 positions sensor dimmer Product type: Floor Light source: LED SMD 700mA 8,2W 2700K CRI90 913lm Luminaire: 100 - 240 VAC 10,85W 348lm At first glance, Vetra could be no more than a traditional, old-fashioned, blown-glass lamp, but turning it on yields a surprise. Joan Gaspar uses a completely closed glass diffuser as a reflector, and creatively places the light source outside -instead of inside- the shade. The Vetra gives off more light than one would expect, without glare. Much of the light is directed downward, and the rest is filtered toward the inside of the shade, subtly illuminating it. Like an echo multiplying the light, when it’s on, its entire outline is drawn out and seems to come alive. This collection is offered in different diameters (20, 32 and 43 cm) in white and amber, a color that emphasizes even more its relationship with the light. A contrasting layout in which the lamp proper becomes more visible and its light – sheltered by these tones – warmer.

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