Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60



Piero angelo orecchioni

Настенный светильник


h.103x54x20 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Guy | столик
Raymond | столик
Gregory | столик
Mel | столик
Jean | столик
Victor | кресло
Laurence | кресло
Ingrid | кресло


Brass wall lamp with decorative ceramic plate and etched glass spheres. Available in different color combinations. It can be installed both horizontally and vertically A collection of lighting and mirrors made of brass structures and ceramic elements. Marioni with Greta confirms his graphic and strongly identitary research, proposing items that bring together the Hollywoodian imagination and the contemporary. Several mentions that the Arch. Piero Angelo Orecchioni quotes in these new creations: from the majestic scenographies of the Egypt of vintage movies such as Cleopatra by Cecil B. Demille, which mixes the archaic to signs, very modern at that time, connected to the American Art Deco, to the particularity of this in including tropical and symbolic elements in the decorations, to Brutalism up to the Postmodern current of the eighties.

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