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Matthew townsend



IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Sunrise | стул
Solid | стул
Sunrise | столик
Zendo sense | столик
Zendo sense | полудиван для сада
Radoc | полудиван для сада
Radoc | садовая подставка для ног
Radoc | табуретка


Sunrise is a rectangular teak table. Clean lines and strong curves give Sunrise an undeniably compelling posture, while the warmth of its materials and openness of its frame form an irresistible invitation for endless moments of outdoor enjoyment. Available in warm brushed teak and bold teak, Sunrise includes a complete range of both lounge and dining furniture. Dark teak details and a backrest upholstered in fabric or batyline® complete the design of this robust yet elegant teak collection by Matthew Townsend. From countryside residence to avant-garde hotel or even a futuristic yacht, Sunrise’s versatility makes it a captivating addition to any environment.

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