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Brut | скамья


Konstantin Grcic




IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Chair one | стул
Dejà-vu | стул
Bell chair
Tambour | столик
Chair one public seating system 2
Chair one public seating system 1
Cyborg lady


Panche.‎Materiale: struttura in ghisa verniciata poliestere o trattata cataforesi e verniciato poliestere.‎ Seduta in massello di rovere naturale o di iroko naturale.‎ Disponibile versione anche per esterni.‎The starting point of this project was a specific manufacturing method: cast iron.‎ It is one of the oldest ways of using ferrous metals.‎ The manufacturing process has a physicality and rawness which is almost archaic.‎ Iron foundries are heavy industries.‎Even though cast iron is widely known for its ornate and decorative applications, such as in Victorian-era garden furniture, the material has two distinctive characteristics: it is heavy, and it is strong.‎ Cast iron performs well under compression, which is why it is used as a structural material for building bridges and, closer to the scale of furniture, bases for heavy machinery.‎It is this use of cast iron which has inspired BRUT, a collection of tables and benches.‎ The project makes reference to cast iron’s typical industrial uses and applies its material grammar to the realm of contemporary furniture.‎The name stands for raw and untreated.‎ A solid piece of iron, heavy and uncompromising.‎ But BRUT also calls to mind the sweetness of sparkling wine, which speaks of refinement and sophistication, which is also inherent to our project.‎The BRUT collection consists of a large rectangular table, a height-adjustable trestle table, two round tables, a small bistro table, as well as two kinds of benches.‎

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