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Elizabeth | садовая скамейка


Nathan yong

Садовая скамейка


H 44cm D 40cm W 178cm

Ligne roset

Ligne roset
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

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Elizabeth is a Bench made from the highest quality natural solid teak (non-oiled) from managed plantations in Indonesia.‎ Polythene gliders.‎ Slides between the legs of the rectangular table.‎Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.‎Teak is an exceptional wood, timeless and refined.‎ Used in emblematic locations such as the bridges of the finest boats or Asian temples, it possesses excellent technical characteristics: stable, resistant, soft to touch, pleasantly fragrant.‎ Indoors, it patinates over time to a golden brown colour; outdoors, it oxidises to a silver-grey tone - this alters none of its properties.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о ELIZABETH | Садовая скамейка Ligne Roset

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