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Cp — rv

Напольный светильник


Ligne roset

Ligne roset
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Unbeaumatin | стул
Tadao | стул
Vik | стул
Amédée | стул
Sala | стул
Alster | стул
Backpack 2 | садовая подставка для ног
Saparella | садовая подставка для ног


“Courrier” was inspired by a simple straight line, imitating a beam of light which extends beyond the physical limits of an object. LED technology makes it possible to reduce the visual aspect of the floor lamp to the minimum. Constructed with a simple, low-cost production method, the aluminium stem may be anodised. Its visual and physical lightness makes it possible to create a base with only a small diameter. The base is composed of two elements, a weight and a cover: the cover also conceals excess cable, which is coiled around the stem. When not assembled, its minimal volume enables the light to be sent by courier in a simple tube or box, making it ideal for online ordering.

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