Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60



Claude robin

Садовая кровать

220 x 160 x 196 cm; 63" x 63" x 76,5"

Les jardins®

Les jardins®
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Bastingage | стул
Amaka | садовая подставка для ног
Skaal | табуретка
Bastingage | табуретка
Amaka | шезлонг
Marina | шезлонг
Copenhague | садовое кресло


SKAAL kiosk in Duratek, Batyline Eden canvas mottled white and sunbrella cushions light gray.Its charm lies in the geometry of its structure, games of shapes and against shapes that can dress a contemporary space as well as a classic one. A complete line of plush furniture that gives pride of place to comfort. The structure of SKAAL furniture is adorned with teak with DURATEK® finish giving it this very contemporary gray finish. The tables are covered with Italian ceramics and the garden furniture with Sunbrella® fabrics.

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