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L2 concreto light l2


Наружное покрытие из терракотовой плитки


Lea ceramiche

Lea ceramiche
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Anthology - desert
Slimtech absolute extra white
Slimtech nextone - next taupe
Slimtech nextone - next dark
Slimtech nextone - next grey
Anthology - gray
Anthology - white


This is a material characterized by its versatility and universality and, despite being among the oldest compositions, it is still today employed by professionals working on the great architectural projects. The System L2 collection is even stronger because it is can be used in outdoor spaces. The Lea Ceramiche tile, 20 mm thick, offers technical characteristics, colours and materials that have been developed for outdoor applications.

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