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Le deun luminaires

Le deun luminaires
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Le deun luminaires
Le deun luminaires
Страница бренда
Hexa 1
Omega 200
Omega 120
Sirius o
Curve 80
Circle 60


The Zetta pendant lamp is one of the company's brand new lighting fixtures, double-circle with internal LED, it combines direct downward lighting and indirect upward lighting creating a truly interesting play of lights. Ideal for areas of interest, such as a meeting room or kitchen island, it is available in different sizes to suit specific needs. Available in diameters 60, 80 and 100 cm. Light source: - 100 watts, 24 volts, Class 3 IP 20. - Electronic transformer 110/220 volts. - Remote control with dimmer switch. - Height adjustable from 16 up to 78 inches.

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