M23UP is an elegant, versatile professional coffee machine that is easy to use and maintain. Ergonomic and robust, the M23UP is made of steel. Its fixed-nozzle thermosyphon system is reliable and guarantees top performance, for excellent results in the cup every time. Lights on the coffee group (optional) can be used to illuminate the work space. Available in 2- and 3-group dosed and continuous versions (and also in a Tall Cup version), the M23UP features button pads with backlit keys to ensure prompt and precise delivery, and comes in three colours (black, white and red). The wide logo strip on the front of the M23UP is ideal for adding your own personalisation.
• Reliable, high-performance thermal system
• Robust and ergonomic
• Button pads with LEDs
• Ergonomic filter-holder
• Quick and easy installation and maintenance