kreon esprit desk is the product range’s little brother. Although small in size, kreon esprit desk harnesses the same performant luminaire head of its larger counterparts. The lamp head can be positioned to fulfill your needs. At full brightness as a desk light during a hard day’s work, or dimmed using the built-in touchdim button for some bedtime reading.
KR963911 - esprit desk, white
KR963912 - esprit desk, black
kreon esprit comes in four different types: free-standing, a desk version, ceiling mounted or suspended with single, double and in the suspended version up to 4 lamp heads. The kreon esprit adjustable slim-lined spotlights are available in black or white, in 2700K and 3000K LED for both CRI80+ and CRI90+. The luminaire heads can be rotated by 355° and placed in any random angle from 0° to 90°. kreon esprit ceiling can be recessed mounted using the kreon down 80 trimless plasterkit.