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Chiaramonte marin

Настольный светильник

Hind rabii

Hind rabii
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Esprit ya-ya 1
Fico 3
Ond'a s
Esprit ya-ya 70
Rlc 130
Belle d'i the great
Ice lady
Rlc 250


T-COTTA THE LAMP is a glass LED table lamp with marble base designed by Chiaramonte Marin. Glass finishes: black, green, pink Base: black or white marble Details: brushed gold, shiny black chrome. LED 12W, 2700K, 1500lm Created from the desire to create an object of fluid, curved forms, T-COTTA is the fruit of the union of materials, both of which come from earth, both are worked by man and both forged by heat.

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