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Sand & sea rolling waves


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IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Flux helixes
Leaf twisted canopies
Bloom scandents
Bloom conicals
Sand & sea cascading waves
Leaf domed canopies
Leaf natural canopies
Bloom custom


Suspended sculptural installations inspired by the shared forms of dunes and waves and their meeting point. Cast crystal ripples are suspended weightlessly by strands of glimmering microfine thread. The ‘seas’ are represented by clusters of rippled translucent crystal components, whilst the ‘sands’ are defined through their luxurious precious metal finishing. Integrated downlights in the ceiling plates or suspended micro pendants project subtle caustic ripple forms onto surrounding surfaces, extending the aesthetic reach of the sculpture to create a luxurious ethereal atmosphere. Sand & Sea’s standard suspended compositions are split into two sets characterised by their overall form: Rolling (below) and Cascading Waves. If the standard compositions are not suitable there is a custom composition design service available.

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