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Collector | столик


Barber u0026 osgerby


COR02 110 x 110 x h34 cm

Glas italia

Glas italia
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Shimmer | столик
Liquefy | столик
Boxinbox | столик
Post modern | столик
The dark side of the moon


Collection of low tables, display units, display cases and storage units and sideboards with sides and top in transparent extralight 8 mm.‎ glass.‎The sides are curved to fit the shape of the top, to which they are attached.‎The display cases-storage units are supplied with hardware in black anodized aluminium and a shelf.‎The bases are in solid open pore black lacquered ash and, for the low tables only, they are also available with a flush recessed mirror.‎The display case-storage units and the sideboards (COR03 -COR04 - COR05 – COR06) have doors, available also in silvered glass, while the low tables have two sliding front parts.‎With the mirror finish the hinges remain inside the furniture.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о COLLECTOR | Столик Glas Italia

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