Of the various furnishing solutions for bathrooms and changing rooms, the Ges Group GD/S modular walls in HPL solid stratified laminate stand out from the other series for the top connection by means of an “H” profile in silver anodised aluminium. This device hooks onto the panels beneath and holds the top panels, in laminate or polycarbonate, closing the cabins up to the ceiling.
Construction details:
grey co-extruded PVC stop profiles, rigid (stop side) and soft safety (hinge side)
3 self-closing and self-lubricating hinges in galvanised steel covered with grey nylon per door
opening system with lock in moulded nylon with free/engaged signal block, equipped with safety door block and external emergency opening
fixing for the partition panel to the front panel and the wall by means of a “U” profile in primary T 60/60 anodised aluminium alloy
fixed to the floor and the ceiling by means of an “H” profile in primary anodised aluminium alloy T 60/60