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Karim rashid

Женское парикмахерское кресло


Gamma & bross

Gamma & bross
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Mlc table
Soft surf
Streamline basic pipeless chrome
Monolith wash


Swivel chair with stainless steel pump and block. Available in K.R. pink, green, metal and black vinyl only. Dimensions 64W x 75D x 48-63H (seat) (25.58''W x 29.53''D x 18.90-24.8''H (seat)) Rashid applies his manifesto of changing the world with the concept of taking the user to a new level of sensation. The Nutopia collection is centered around Teknowash, a revolutionary system that combines chromo-therapy and an audio surround sound in a total comfort shampoo unit. Rashid’s Sensual chair is made using the most advanced molding process that creates both a structural frame as well as seamless comfort. Further, he uses illuminated forms in both the Human workstation as well as the Komplete desk to create a weightless floating effect. Through the integration of high technology and sculptural forms, Rashid’s Nutopia collection represents the design icons of the beauty industry.

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