FOBQ 1000 G X - OUTDOOR GAS BARBECUEAISI 316 stainless steelFEATURES4 tubular in-line gas burnersNatural Gas supply (LPG convertible)Total gas power output: 14 kW2 stainless steel grill racks (two units each)Stainless steel plate (teppan yaki)Side-mounted metal knobsMODESBarbecue broilingBaking (with lid)Keep warmSAFETYGasProtektGas detection and gas stop systemsOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAdditional stainless steel grill racksAdditional cast iron grill racksFOBQLL 1000 X slim lid with feetFOBQHL 1000 X high lid for roasting.