Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 19:00 8 (495) 162-82-60



Matteo ragni

Письменный стол

W164 x D164 x H160 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Кресло AT фабрики FANTONI
Кресло SAFFRON фабрики FANTONI
Диван 2-х местный HUG фабрики FANTONI
Стул с подлокотниками PEPPERMINT фабрики FANTONI
Стул с подлокотниками NICK фабрики FANTONI
Стул без подлокотников ENA фабрики FANTONI
Стул с подлокотниками KX фабрики FANTONI
Стул без подлокотников 45 фабрики FANTONI


The Hub project arose from a real need to recreate a physical and mental space within a workplace inhabited by different people. A kind of wall-less box to facilitate the osmotic dimension of relating with spaces and people. A relationship-oriented workstation that can be personalized and rearranged to meet individual needs, the direct descendant of the “Abitacolo� combi-bed that Bruno Munari first dreamt up to combine the different activities in the day of an adolescent, and to map out the time for each one: rest/play/study/ relationships.

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