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L 60 cm

Ever life design

Ever life design
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Roll | табуретка
Senior 46
Style eclypse
Tuck tray
Style round


A multi-tasking folding supporting bar, made of stainless steel. The lifting mechanism, fastened to the wall, is hidden by a polyurethane shell which makes the whole product aesthetically pleasing and lends it an avant-garde style. Thanks to this innovative mechanism, the bar can be extracted and replaced by other accessories for a different use, such as a glass shelf that can be easily positioned and removed. The safety towel holder line named Style series, offers all the loading capacity of a traditional wall support together with an absolutely stunning design, to meet the necessities of all those who wish or need a safe grip without having to give up the aesthetic issue. Available in several lengths and with a wide range of finishes: featuring a central insert with soft treatment, granting an exceptional grip and offering a soft, warm and velvety tactile sensation total soft painted or with golden, bronze, coppery or satin finish.

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