Excellence in details and an innovative weaving technique.
The innovative line of Phonolook 3D panels originate from the fine fabrics used in the interior furnishings industry. Made on the basis of the traditional panels of the Solution line, these panels are characterized by the covering in embossed fabric, which gives them shape and volume without depriving them of the main function of sound-absorbing elements.
Thanks to the special manufacturing technique, the panels covered with 3D fabrics allow you to dress with luxury private environments, as well as the contract and hotel industry, with an unmistakable expressive force.
Phonolook 3D panels are characterized by a very special embossed fabric with an unmistakable expressive force.
The fabric is 100% fireproof polyester, entirely made in Italy, which, thanks to its particular three-dimensional weave, is able to make the panels unique in their kind, giving them shape and volume.
At the same time acting as furnishing objects, the panels are able to dress private luxury environments, the world of contract and hotel trade with elegance, without depriving them of their main sound-absorbing function.
There are 5 different types of fabric - CASTORE, GINGER, GEMMA, CUBE, GAMMA - which can be made in different colors.
Дизайн-разработки для звукопоглощения
Линия Фонолук предлагает звукопоглощающие панно созданные для разрешения акустических помехов, предлагает звукоотражательные панно в закрытых помещениях, гарантирующие спокойство и тишину.