Terramare is an extendable rectangular garden table made of painted aluminum.
Table finishes:
Structure 23 White - Top 37 Greige
Structure 24 Black - Top 38 Dark Gray
Structure 37 Gray / Green - Top 37 Greige
Structure 41 Indian Brown - Top 38 Dark Gray
Structure 86 Corten - Top 38 Dark Gray
Terramare collection by Studio Chiaramonte-Marin is made up of a set of sofas and armchairs made of aluminium tubing. The signature feature of the collection is the die-cast aluminium connecting element, reminiscent of the most instinctive system that binds together cane stalks. The arms and backrest are in synthetic leather, with a finish that gives the material an aged look. The inside of the cushions guarantees top performance thanks to two elements: the memory foam, a polyurethane foam compound that takes on a shape in line with the bodyweight of the user, and polyester flakes to boost volume. The memory foam and the polyester flakes are inserted into and distributed throughout a three-part cushion cover. The outside of the cushions are covered with a PVC fabric and coated polyester, for a water-repellent effect, and are dip-dyed. The small tables have an extruded aluminium frame and porcelain stoneware tops.