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Shield 5 moyen


Jette scheib

Потолочный светильник


Ø140 x H. 26 cm


IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

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Tension: 220/240V 50-60Hz Bulbs: E14 - 5 x Max 15 W equiv. 100W - Not included Type of bulbs: LED bulbs Fascinated by the mystery and power of the Zulu people, Jette Scheib was inspired by the shape of the African shield. It represents at the same time a symbol, a protection, and an ornament. The strong image of this armor strikes the imagination. The design of the shield marks the identity of the tribe and participates in the group cohesion. The white and black graphics of Shield emphasize the straightness of the Zulu shields.

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