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Aust & amelung



De sede

De sede
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде



Because her grandparents were tailors, designer Miriam Amelung knows the characteristics of fabric and leather down to the tiniest details. In her new, elegant armchair DS-149, natural folds, organic ergonomics or the intense feeling of lightness are thus essential components – as is her dedication to the material: when Miriam and Sebastian Amelung created this new de Sede sculpture, they thought about how the natural folds of a hide might look like on a comfortable armchair. The result is an object that is free from ornamental add-ons or special effects and is simply an armchair whose form, folds, curves and upholstery create a feeling of taking a heavenly rest break on a little cloud at this very moment. DS-149 is a lounge chair that reveals an attitude and a commitment to infinity as well as to sustainability and naturalness. With its lightweight appearance, natural folds and clear contours, it is reminiscent of a safe place of calm, in a refuge in which deep breathing and letting one’s thoughts wander seem boundless – like the passage of fluffy clouds in your favorite place, where you return to regain strength again and again. Material and naturalness DS-149, an inviting and protective armchair, is adorned with elegant folds that extend across its entire surface, giving the upper material the look of a gentle throw. Miriam und Sebastian Amelung were inspired by organic features that flow into and overlap the interior of the chair. Conceived as a freestanding seating option, DS-149 has the look of a cloudy shell with clear, simple and natural shapes – soft and comfortable.

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