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Ascot contemporain | кресло



L95 D105 H84 cm; OPTION: Custom made/Su misura/Sur-mesure/A medida

Crearte collections

Crearte collections
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

О бренде

Crearte collections
Crearte collections
Страница бренда
Ascot contemporain
Boiler origins
Girona origins
Paris arm origins
Gaston essence
Ludwig essence
Gaston origins
Comodo essence


Ascot Contemporain by Crearte is a armchair in removable fabric, and is an example of how to furnish the space with contemporary trends, making it at the same time comfortable.‎ Thanks to its craftsmanship , this armchair is available in many fabric and seating options.‎ It is also possible to adapt the dimensions to the needs of the customers.‎The Contemporain collection focuses on modern times and trends without forgetting our past.‎ All models are designed to combine the know-how and expertise of the past with the forms of modern times.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о ASCOT CONTEMPORAIN | Кресло Crearte Collections

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