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During the processes of bodily stimulation accelerated with the entry of the body into the hot cabins (sauna, Turkish bath, biosauna, herbal sauna, infrared cabin, etc...), it is of fundamental importance to support the skin reaction mechanisms. This is why a thermal “shock” reaction to the skin is needed to awaken the body’s self-healing capacities. The ice, rubbed over the body instead of cold water, ensures tone and shape. The ice is rubbed over the skin with a vigorous massage, starting, in accordance with the principles of hydrotherapy, with the areas furthest from the heart. The ice is used to remove the intense heat gained from the cabins and stop the sweating process to avoid burdening the body too much. Vigorous friction with the cold ice tones and avoids any possible discomfort after the sauna. It is an essential practice for a real health treatment!