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Felicia arvid

Акустическая стеновая панель


Caimi brevetti

Caimi brevetti
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Speech | подставки для офиса
Jolly | столик
Kaleidos | скамья луча
Pitagora | скамья луча
Ulisse inox
Kaleidos | стул
Kaleidos | стул для совещаний


Klipper is a wall-mounted sound-absorbing feature made of polyester with a Snowsound-Fiber 8 Bouclè fabric covering. The shapes, which are underpinned by stainless steel clips, are reminiscent of undulating sand dunes and not only evoke a sense of sinuous movement but also, thanks to the distinctive materiality of the fabric, seem to allude to the myriad grains of sand. The sound absorbing system is anchored to the wall by means of a sturdy bracket of epoxy-coated steel. Two steel stiffening tubes are inserted in the upper and lower part of the panel where they are held in place by special chromed screws.

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