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Alberto meda, francesco meda

Самонесущий звукоизолирующий подвесной потолок


Caimi brevetti

Caimi brevetti
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Speech | подставки для офиса
Jolly | столик
Kaleidos | скамья луча
Pitagora | скамья луча
Ulisse inox
Kaleidos | стул
Kaleidos | стул для совещаний


Float is a modular sound-absorbing system made up of panels made with Snowsound technology. Thanks to their minimalist styling and multiple compositional possibilities, Float panels offer elegant and functional solutions for small and large spaces alike. Pivot joints on the modular chromed steel frame fix the panels to the structure. The panels can be hung along a flat plane or else tilted on their major axis to create interesting three-dimensional compositions. The system is equipped with height-adjustable cables. The panels can be tilted not just to create desired patterns and aesthetic compositions but also to improve ventilation and the passage of light.

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