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Cory grosser

Декоративные акустические панели



IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Buzzihub table
Buzzinordic st900 | садовый шезлонг
Buzzifloat crossplus
Buzzinordic st900 | садовая подставка для ног
Buzzispark | диван
Buzzispark | кресло
Buzzinordic st100 | кресло


Opt for a biophilic alternative to conventional noise-control solutions. With its lush, botanical appearance, this graphic acoustic solution promotes a more relaxed and calm atmosphere. As it mitigates office noise, BuzziMood creates a more focused and productive workforce, while serving as a natural air humidity indicator in any indoor setting. At the same, it offers a low-maintenance alternative to traditional plants, no watering required. This acoustical wall solution utilizes preserved reindeer moss as its primary material. It offers exceptional sound-absorbing capabilities. Combine materials found in nature with upholstered pads in a range of different fabrics and geometrical shapes. As moss is a natural absorber, it absorbs noise without having the appearance of the conventional acoustic products. For the most efficient acoustic performance, mix and match moss with upholstered panels.

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