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Jos | скамья


Simone bonanni



Babel d

Babel d
IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Gao | стул
Kano | столик
Kano | полудиван для сада
Jos | табуретка
Gao | табуретка
Bangi | маленькое кресло
Kano | маленькое кресло
Kissi | маленькое кресло


Jos is a steel bench with cushion included, with an evocative style, suitable for relaxing or chatting for two in a garden corner or indoors.‎ Jos is a range of high-strength steel and aluminium alloy furniture for indoor and outdoor use, designed and produced to last and meet ecological requirements during and after their lifetime.‎ Jos has a slightly vintage feel updated by the designer with a careful study of proportions.‎ The various seats, with or without cushions, offer moments of warmth, relaxation, rest, conversation and fun.‎ The tables can seat from two to eight people.‎ The large range of colours of the metal parts and the fabrics allows countless personalized chromatic combinations.‎ Protective galvanic treatments and the polyester coating make the colours highly resistant to harsh weather conditions.‎ Подробная информация от производителя о JOS | Скамья BABEL D

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