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Alegre design

Офисный стул



IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Рабочее место TWIST от фабрики ACTIU
Рабочее место POWER от фабрики ACTIU
Fluit | стул
Peana | столик
Bend | столик
Longo | столик
Tabula tar-20 | столик
Cool e100 | столик


Winner is an office chair responds in a comfortable way to all the mobility needs of all kinds of users, adapting smoothly to any position and minimizing the effort made by the user to maintain or change position in a natural way. Winner is a set of operative chairs which use new materials and the latest technology which respond with sophistication to the needs of each user achieving maximum ergonomics in any workspace. The Series 20 represents the most exclusive Winner model since it allows optional incorporation of headboards and exclusive leather upholstered seats. Model for staff and management offices. Models: Winner 20, Winner 30.

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